Monday 31 August 2009

I Live In The Future

Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I Love You Tomorrow!
(Don't do carnival...)

Hello everyone! Hope you've had a fantastic weekend, mine's been OK, not the party weekender to end all, but quite cool, nontheless. The last couple of days I've been in been bed watching Law&Order Special Victims Unit. So good. I really love it. I also watched Cadillac Records and I have to say Beyonce did very well and my new favourite actor is Jeffrey Wright, IMDB him, he's amazing.

Anyhooooo, so you know I'm the Video Director over at SuperSuper Magazine? This summer I've been working on projects with great brands like Reebok and Box Fresh and I've been thinking HARD about my future and what kind of film maker I want to be.

I wanna make beautiful films that mean something to someone somewhere, in the future. Films that uplift and make people burst into smiles or tears. Just beautiful... you know? We have a great lack of that here in Britain. Films that are well produced and represent the truth. That's why I love Channel 4 and Film 4, MTV and sometimes BBC.

When I graduate university, I have to do something that's great. You know? So I'm thinking about tomorrow all the time, cos today isn't enough.

LOL, enough of that. Did I tell you lot that I love Afrikan Boy? Yep! I love him sooo much. He's the leader in the musical revolution that's sweeping London and soon to spread to the whole of Britain and then the world. He was passed the mantel by M.I.A and is adjusting people's earwaves post nu-rave. Why do I love him so much? He's real. He never shies away from the reality of his business, of his life and for an artist to unashamedly acknowledge God in godless times makes me happy.

Hmmmm can't find any of his videos, but here's him chatting. I just LOVE him. The whole team rolled down to a small concert at the V&A Museum on Friday. Rope Chain Spiller Kids, Kershia Bailey, Kay Young and of course Afrikan Boy were performing.

Pat's big fro! My girls on stage, just murdering it.

This is when the whole audience was on stage with Afrikan Boy cos it was raining, and when it rains here, it pours. It was literally just a great moment.

We all had to get off stage, Hannah and I danced in the courtyard for the rest of his performance.

The future will be ruled by those who sewed their seeds well.

Live long and prosper xxxx

1 comment:

CutThePrice said...

i always think about wat my future will be like aswell and wat i want do to in the future...i hope u get as far as u want..maybe even of luck...xx